BREAKING: Pelosi presents a cutting plan that saves entitlements!
This is a last ditch effort by the Democrats to prevent slashing of Social Security and Medicare benefits.Nancy Pelosi has presented a plan to cut $2.5 trillion without any revenue which protects...
View ArticleBREAKING: Deal has NO Medicare benefit cuts!
According to various sources the final deal will have NO Medicare benefit cuts if the Super committee doesn't get their recommendation passed.
View ArticleBREAKING: New Gallup Dems 51% to GOP 44% in 2012
Gallup poll just came out comparing voters' choice on who they want in Congress in 2012. Democrats have taken the lead of Dems 51% to Republicans 44%.
View ArticleBREAKING: Obama won't touch Social Security or increase Medicare age!
This is fantastic news! Apparently Obama's approach to deficit reduction won't touch Social Security or increase the age of eligibility of Medicare!
View ArticleBREAKING: Obama's deficit plan: half tax increases, half cuts, and no...
Obama will be unveiling his own deficit plan that consists of $3 trillion of deficit reduction. It is his own plan and it isn't a "compromise". Bernstein says it best...
View ArticleBREAKING: Warren Buffett just released his tax return!!!
CNN has just reported that Warren Buffet has just released his tax return for 2010. He only payed 17.4% in taxes after having made $62,855,038 last year. Gulp! #1:...
View ArticleWall Street Journal Editoral Slams GOP's payroll tax debacle
When the Wall Street Journal Editorial slams the GOP for their payroll tax cut debacle then we all know that the writing is on the wall. I wouldn't be surprised if in the next 72 hours the House...
View ArticleBREAKING: Obama making Cordray Recess Appointment!
Well Obama is making a recess appointment today to the CFPB. Senior administration officials tell The Associated Press that President Barack Obama will use a recess appointment...
View ArticleSarah Palin to Romney: Release Your Tax Returns & Show Proof You created...
Sarah Palin was on Hannity last night and she said the smartest thing I have ever heard her say: Romney needs to release his tax returns and he needs to show proof that he created 100,000 jobs at...
View ArticleObama Campaign Memo shows why Bain is so devastating for Romney!
Stephanie Cutter who works for the Obama campaign just released a memo that just eviscerates Romney on Bain. It also shows the contrast that voters are going to choose in the Fall about Romney vs...
View ArticleBREAKING: Romney Says that He Pays a 15% tax rate!
After being prodded by Democrats and Republicans about his tax returns, Romney has said today that his effective tax rate is 15%.
View ArticleObama's "Let's Stay Together" is Now a RINGTONE!
Well that was fast. The Obama campaign has now made Obama's "Let's Stay Together" into a ringtone.Talk about marketing. We can see that Obama's singing of Al Green's "Let's Stay Together" is popular....
View ArticleBuffett Rule will Raise $50 billion per year!!!
According to Citizens for Tax Justice they estimate that enacting the Buffett rule will raise $50 billion per year for the U.S. Treasury. That is $500 billion in a decade which is no chump...
View ArticleRomney May Have Already Lost the General Election
Romney just dodged a "bullet" so to speak by squeaking out a victory in Michigan which will stop the talk of Republicans working hard to try push any "white knight" into the race at the eleventh hour...
View ArticleNew Poll: Romney/Ryan Medicare Partial Privatization Plan has very LOW Support!
A new poll out of Kaiser Health Family Foundation shows that there is very little support for the Romney/Ryan plan to partially privatize Medicare.
View ArticleNew NBC/Marist Polls: Obama beating Romney in Ohio & Virginia by double digits!
While Romney, Santorum, and Gingrich are battling it out for Super Tuesday, the new NBC/Marist polls out on Ohio and Virginia show that Obama is beating all comers in those critical...
View ArticleNew NBC/WSJ poll: Obama 50% vs Romney 44% and Dems 5pts over GOP for generic...
The New NBC/WSJ poll is out and it has bad news for the GOP. Not only is Obama at 50% approval but he beats all comers including Romney: Obama 50% and Romney 44% and just as important Americans...
View ArticleNew Quinnipiac Polls: Obama leads Romney in Florida, Ohio, and Pennsylvania!
New Quinnipiac polls are out this morning and it is good news for Obama. President Obama leads Romney in the crucial battleground states of Floridda, Ohio, and Pennsylvania.
View ArticleNew Gallup Poll: Americans Favor Buffet Rule by 23%!
Well we all know that the Buffet Rule would be popular but it is popular by a whopping 23% according to the lastest Gallup Poll. The survey released Friday suggests that a whopping 60 percent favor...
View ArticleNew CNN Poll: Obama beating Romney by 9%
CNN just came out with their poll that has Obama beating Romney by 9%! Obama would get 52% of the vote and Romney would get 43%.
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